Common Core en Español: 

This is a joint effort between the San Diego County Office of Education, Council of Chief State School Officers, and California Department of Education and was coordinated by San Diego County’s Silvia C. Dorta-Duque de Reyes, who recently received an “Administrator of the Year” award from the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE). A group of district-level educators and language scholars did the translating, including the “linguistic augmentation” needed to ensure the new document goes beyond a word-by-word literal translation to communicate concepts usefully.

Common Core Units for Engish Learners: file:///Users/franciscasanchez/Desktop/prov%20pract/common%20core%20units%20for%20els.webarchive

This is the first major classroom resource produced by the Understanding Language team, a group of English-language-learner experts led by Kenji Hakuta, an education professor at Stanford University, to help educators grasp the central role of language in the rigorous Common Core State Standards and to give teachers resources for providing higher levels of instruction and demanding content to ELL students.

A Framework for Schooling English Learners for Success: file:///Users/franciscasanchez/Desktop/prov%20pract/framework%20for%20els.webarchive

This article provides a framework for thinking about what English Learners need in order to be successful in the 21st Century.​

In and Out of Shadow: file:///Users/franciscasanchez/Desktop/prov%20pract/in%20and%20out%20of%20shadows.webarchive

This play explores the stories of undocumented youth.​